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Augenmusik (re-enactment under the title To Hear with Eyes)

live performance, Palais de Tokyo, Paris (Fr) 


Commissioned for the festival of performing arts Do Disturb #4

ph Arnaud Leclercq, Stas Kalashnikov

The live performance Augenmusik has expanded into a homologue body of works, sharing the same title (2016/2021) incl. re-performances, videos, photographs, installation, print editions etc.


Performers: 24

Carried object: French police flashing lightbatteries, various cables

Location: Palais de Tokyo Paris, France

Duration: 45 min

Direct viewers: estimated over 500


"Underground procession It was precisely 8 p.m. when twenty-two artists stood out from the crowd of spectators wandering between the floors of the Palais de Tokyo, emerging from the anonymity of the crowd. Scattered in every nook and cranny of the upper floors, they suddenly switched on a police flashing light, stood up and moved with counted steps and no apparent purpose. The sparse blue light is surprising and invites the spectator to melt into what is becoming a procession heading religiously towards the basement. Along the way, some performers turn around, others stop or sit down before setting off again. With their unevenly paced rhythms, they blur the tracks of a journey that is in reality simple: walk from the given starting point to the most cavernous space in the Palais de Tokyo. Successively, the performers place their flashing lights there as an offering, before once again becoming mere spectators watching a haunting blue light that now invades the entire dark space. 

A parade of alternative dandies.When they returned to the crowd, the participants were not completely incognito. The blue light in their hands revealed singularly made-up faces, sequined costumes and offbeat hairstyles and hats reminiscent of the rave parties that rock the squats of the nearby suburbs every weekend. Katya deliberately invited figures from Paris's alternative culture for her first performance at the Palais de Tokyo, the capital of contemporary art. It was not so much this paradox that interested the artist in her choice of performers. To embody her work, she wanted above all to express the strong identities of her protagonists. Among the performers were personalities who have become key figures in the undergound scene, such as Oksana Shachko, founding member of the Femen movement and recently featured on the cover of the trendy Crash Magazine, Nunez, percussionist with the group La Femme, and Eliott Banon, founding member of the Parallèle collective and La Capela. Ev wanted everyone on the journey to focus on expressing their inner states rather than on the space to be reached. The result was a slow, poetic arrhythmia, an aesthetic composition disrupted by the presence of a disturbing object: a police flashing light. 



A properly political disturbance. A reworking of his performance Augenmusik (2016, projected above the rotating police lights), which revealed the contradictions of the State of Emergency, To hear with eyes does not completely lose its political dimension as it passes through the doors of the Palais de Tokyo. Without seeking to provoke, Ekaterina Vasilyeva's approach tends to reflect on the structures of power by pointing out their paradoxes, which are not obvious at first glance. For example, the possibility of buying a flashing beacon legally, even though it is an attribute of the forces of law and order. In this case, the person giving the orders is the artist, who is distributing fragments of state power to her agents, shattering the regal symbolism of the flashing beacon. This gesture, which could be described as anarchist, challenges the viewer as much as the object itself: the hypnotic persistence of the rotating light becomes alarming. We hear with our eyes, as the title of the performance indicates. But this two-toned sound is itself the bearer of ambiguity; it worries as much as it reassures. For the three days of the festival, the flashing lights remain lit as they have been arranged in a circle by the performers. In the Palais de Tokyo's most raw and dusty space, the artist combines an element of police prerogative with an architectural aspect that could be that of an illegally squatted wasteland. In this area, which is normally closed to the public, there is no longer any need for guards: the flashing lights watch over it as much as they protect it. Through her constant and subtle ambivalence, Katya Ev has made her contribution to the annual disturbance encouraged by Do Disturb, and can only be encouraged to remain a disruptive element." Claire Contamine, 2018, full version here


Casting, direction: Katya Ev

Production: Katya Ev 

Performers: Aladdin Charni, Anastasia Artemova, Alexandre Paty, Célia Cotelle, Chloé Pernet, Elliot Banon, Arnaud Idelon, Jee Pay, Julien La-Brien Sherman, Masha Kilina, Lulù Nuti, Marine Gouget, Nunez Hijo, Oxana Shachko, Rama Marmara, Ralph Karam, Samuel Bencheikh, Etienne Dumas-Brisson, Thomas Zanovello, Timothée Nachmachen, Valentin Toqué

Photo documentation: Arnaud Leclercq, Stas Kalashnikov

Video documentation:  cameras: Jérémy André, Nicolas Topor, Estelle Chaufour; editing : Alice Colomer


2021 Arnaud Idelon, "Nous Dansions", YACI (International Young Art Criticism) (Fr)​

2018   Aurelia Declercq, "Katya Ev - Etat d'Exception", Point Contemporain (Fr)

2018  Ida Simon, "Do Disturb Au Palais De Tokyo – Notre Sélection Du Festival", Manifesto XXI, (Fr)

Related artworks & performance documentation

Perf-K (36).jpg

video based on live performance Augenmusik, 2018


Final scene at Les Halles - video based on live performance Augenmusik, 2016

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The Art of Fugue 

orchestrated on 24 sirens, making-of video, 2016


series of 24 objects artefacts from live performance

Augenmusik, 2016


installation based on live performance 

Augenmusik, 2018

KatyaEv_Augenmusik_installation_2(credit-Ayka Lux).jpg

silk print edition & photograph, 2020


photographs based on live performance Augenmusik, Paris, 2016


photographs based on live performance To Hear with Eyes, Palais de Tokyo (Fr), 2018

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photographs based on live performance Performative Walk, Aalst (Be), 2021

Performance activations

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Performative Walk, streets of Aalst (Be), 2021


Augenmusik, streets of Ghent (Be), 2019


To Hear With Eyes, streets of Turnhout (Be), 2020


Last, MHKA Antwerp (Be), 2020

KatyaEv_Augenmusik_performer-Camille_Porte de Bercy_8(credit-Mathilde-Geldhof) (2).jpg

Augenmusik, streets of Paris (Fr), 2018

Exhibitions of Augenmusik (selection)


exhibition Statecraft, EMST - Athens (Gr), 2022

New_Songs_for_Old_Cities-NetwerkAalst-230121>280221_50 Katya_Ev_photo©Dani_Gherca.jpg

exhibition New Songs for the Old Cities, Netwerk Aalst (Be), 2021

KatyaEv_To Hear With Eyes_Do Disturb#4, Palais de Tokyo_2018_(c)Arnaud Leclercq.jpg

Do Disturb#4, Palais de Tokyo, Paris (Fr), 2018


solo exhibition Etat d'Exception, Galerie Dix9, Paris (Fr), 2018

(c) katya ev rhyn (ekaterina vasilyeva), 2024

    all rights reserved

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