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XIX. The Sun (Axe de Révolution)

tarot card, 8 x 6 cm,


courtesy of Katya Ev 

ph Katya Ev

The live performance Axe de Révolution has expanded into a homologue body of works, sharing the same title (2014/2019) incl. film, photographs, sculpture, email, neon, print editions.

Card XIX. De Zon [The Sun] of the Tarot Edition by 78 Belgian artists, conceived and curated by Emma Keppens & Adriënne van der Werf, 2021

Image 7: exhibition view Tarot Edition, 019, Ghent (Be), 2021

The card features the image of the three-dimensional model depicting the mouvement of the artists in relation to the mouvement of the Sun during the live performance Axe de Révolution (2014)


"Axe de Révolution (2014) is a 17-hour performance, during which two artists silently walked through Moscow from the most Northern point on the Moscow Orbital Highway to the most Southern point, carrying a 6 meter long 13,5 kilo heavy metal structural element of rectangular section. 

While the Sun was moving from the East to the West, they were heading forward along a straight 45 km long line through the city, synchronizing their way across Moscow’s circular urban structure, that in its shape reminds the Copernican heliocentric model (Copernican Revolution), and constructing a cross with the trajectory of the Sun. 

The initial latin term 'revolution', as coined by Copernicus, means circular motion, while in everyday use it expresses a drastic overturn (usually in political sense). Further from being historically charged with the imaginaire of the Great Russian revolution, this ambivalence underlines the artists’ intention ‘to coordinate the movement of a cosmic body’ and their ‘intimate endeavor of inner profound revolution’.”  
Katya Krupennikova, cat. The End of the World, Prato (It), 2016

Related artworks (body of works)

Ekaterina Vasilyeva Axe de révolution1.jpg

live performance Axe de Révolution, 2014

film based on live performance Axe de Révolution, 2014

photographs based on live performance Axe de Révolution, 2014

score (statement) for live performance Axe de Révolution, email,


Untitled (Axe de Révolution), print edition, 2016

Axe (de) Révolu(tion), 

neon, 2014/2018


Axe de Révolution. Zéro, iron profile, map, 2018

Exhibition views (selection)


exhibition Etat d'Exception, Galerie Dix9, Paris (Fr), 2018


exhibition Persistent in changing nothing: revolution by political profanes, Galerie Mansart, Paris (Fr), 2017


exhibition The End of the World, Centro Pecci, Prato (It), 2016


exhibition Piece for Resistance. Deaf Dialogue on Revolution, Gallery Elektrozavod, Moscow (Ru), 2014

(c) katya ev rhyn (ekaterina vasilyeva), 2024

    all rights reserved

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